The Luminary Roleplay Society
The Luminary Roleplay Society (LRS) is a community of roleplaying enthusiasts in the San Francisco Bay Area. We seek to use Live Action Roleplaying games (LARPs) as a tool to allow players and writers to explore improvisational roleplaying, story writing, characters, emotions, and new experiences.
The LRS hosts LARPs and LARP writing workshops at local conventions and other venues. We are interested in collaborating with other roleplaying groups across the Bay Area and beyond in achieving these goals.
If you are interested in joining the LRS, send a request email to the address below and we will get in contact with you. In the email, please let us know who you are, where you heard about our organization, and whether you have LARPed with us before (at an LRS event or otherwise).
If you’d like help with running an event, please fill out the LARP request form HERE.
Upcoming Events (send us an email for more info including specific location):
The LRS also has a Zoom account and has access to full google workspace accounts (IE unlimited length google hangouts) – if having access to either of these (or some other resource!) will help you run online LARPs, please let us know and we will see how we can help!
Note that sending us an email and getting on our mailing list will provide the most up to date info. See also, the CALENDAR. Websites do not always get updated in the most timely manner.
1/19/2025 LARP Brunch – meet up with other LARPers to discuss playing, running or whatever else you may desire.
Location: Cafe seating (outdoor) near Mountain View Caltrain
2/2/2025 Pixie Perfect – It’s a game about being a pixie in Neverland. Maybe you will get to save Neverland. Maybe you will have a fight with your friend over the best kind of tea. Maybe you will cry over a broken heart or a broken flower. Regardless, there will be optional arts and crafts and an excuse to wear fairy wings. If you want to play a character who solves problems by killing other characters, this game is not for you. This game is Secrets and Powers style, meaning that characters are prewritten, and plot is pre-seeded for you to discover.
Location: Oakland (indoor)
3/14-16/2025 (moved from 11/8-11/10/2024) – Grand LARP 2024 – Camp Woebegone –
It’s the spring of 1989. You open your mailbox to see a promotional brochure with your name on it. Inside it reads:
Hello future camper! We’re pleased to invite you to Camp Woebegone, “the Camp Where All Your Woes Will Be Gone!”
Located in the beautiful forests of rural Vermont, Camp Woebegone is the perfect place to spend a few weeks learning and having fun.
We’re no ordinary summer camp. Here, you get to specialize in one of three areas:
Film: Are you going to make it big in Hollywood? We have state-of-the-art shoulder-mount camcorders that you can use to become the next Steven Spielberg.
Science: Do you want to be the next Einstein? With our high-tech lab equipment, you can do radical experiments in biology, chemistry, and physics.
Wilderness Survival: Want to test your mettle by taking on some gnarly challenges out in nature? Learn how to start a fire, build a shelter, and hunt and forage your own food!
We’re reaching out to you because this camp is very selective, and we think you would be a great fit. Slots are limited, so don’t wait! Apply to Camp Woebegone today!
Location: Camp within driving distance of Bay Area
4/2025 The Teddies of Mulberry Lane – Mulberry Lane is much like any other pleasant suburban street. Adults drive cars to their boring adult jobs while children walk to Leaf and Flower Academy at the end of the street. Neighbors wave to one another and generally seem friendly, although of course there are always the standard conflicts between one another – length of the grass, color of the mailbox – things like that. And of course, much as on any other street, children (and the occasional adult) have teddy bears to provide comfort in times of need. What those on most streets (and indeed Mulberry Lane) are unaware of is that Teddies are not the inanimate objects they think of. No, Teddies are living sentient and magical beings – as long as they are bound to a child (or occasionally adult) with love.
Come and experience the parallel world of life as a Teddy. Secrets and powers style game with mutually exclusive character goals.
Location: TBD, likely South Bay/Peninsula
.4/19/2025 LARP Brunch – meet up with other LARPers to discuss playing, running or whatever else you may desire.
Location: Cafe seating (outdoor) near Mountain View Caltrain
7/2025 LARP Festival – lots of mini-LARPs! Details TBD.
Location: Mountain View, near caltrain
8/2025 LARP COR – online this year, details TBD. website link
(note: for specific locations, please send us an email. Precise locations are not listed here since we sometimes run at private residences people offer up for our use and we’d like to keep those generous people’s addresses private rather than share with the whole internet)